Thanks for the warnings, Mr. Donkey.
Hey, I'd slow down on that hay, if I was you.
I know donkeys are supposed to be stoic and all,
but we don't want you to contract Laminitis, do we?
This narrow alley is Clovelly's main street?
What were Humans thinking when they master planned this village?
Shopping Alert! Shopping Alert! Danger! Danger!
Mr. Donkey was right!
Passing all these tantalizing window displays is potentially more dangerous
than spending a weekend with relatives!
(We Daleks may all look similar,
but that doesn't mean we always get along.
Having said that, it goes without saying that
when a disagreement breaks out,
I'm always in the right).
I guess Mr. Donkey was right about the descent too.
Still, the spectacular views are worth expending additional effort.
Warning: Energy Reserves Nearly Exhausted!
I have to go all the way back up?
Perhaps this is a time when I exercise my superior intelligence,
and pay the Human in the Jeep to drive me back up the hill.